Paul Bunyan Road Association
good neighbors
PBRA is a community association that supports the seasonal and year-round residents of the Corea by the Sea subdivision.
We’re in the Town of Gouldsboro in downeast Maine.
We may look like a sleepy little community of nature-lovers, but there’s a lot going on here.
Now THAT was fun!
The Autumn Apple Gala on Saturday, October 5, was such a great time! We were thrilled to have so many people of all ages join us there.
Our good neighbors Brett and Celina Binns hosted the apple pressing event in their stupendous barn, and provided the use of their custom crafted apple press. Despite the light rain that threatened to dampen our day and our spirits, the skies cleared and a great time was had by all.
The refreshment table groaned with all things apple: pies, donuts, crisp, pandowdy, even cheesecake. And of course there was hot apple cider, and tastings of Brett’s home-brewed hard cider for those of us who cleared the height bar.
What’s Being Done about Coastal Storm Damage?
Attend the next Community Meeting on Saturday, November 16, to Find Out.
Recent winter storms have brought the issues of sea level rise, storm surge and coastal flooding and erosion to our immediate attention here on the Corea Peninsula. These storms, particularly on January 10 and 13, 2024, caused extensive damage across the coastal zone of Gouldsboro.
The Gouldsboro Coastal Resilience Committee has secured a grant from Maine’s Governor’s office, with a match from the Town’s American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) fund. This allows us to investigate alternative road solutions with the help of engineering professionals. The second of 4 meetings, planned with consultants Streamworks, will offer some options for possible coastal resilience improvements and look for responses and input from the community.
The 2024 Annual Meeting & Picnic was Great!
We had a big crowd this year, with 71 people in attendance. Informative and inspiring presentations by Josh McIntyre (Gouldsboro Town Manager), Donna Harmon and Jackie Johnston (for the Schoodic Food Pantry) set the tone, and the 2023/24 Board was voted in again for the 2024/25 year.
We were happy to see some new faces there, too!
It’s (Nearly Always) Tick Season!
Ticks are a persistent problem in this part of the world. But these summer months of June, July and August are particularly bad. Our “medical reporter” Mary Vauthy has summarized some important information from leading resources to keep you safe this summer.
This association works because of its members.
Your support of this organization is a vital part of our community.
We’re neighbors helping neighbors, friends having fun together, and people who look forward to seeing one another through the seasons and years.
All property owners in the Corea by the Sea subdivision are encouraged to become dues-paying members of the association.
Dues are assessed annually, and are still only $35/year, from August 1-July 31.